I'm trying to follow the Whole30 meal template, but I feel like I'm eating too much.  I want to follow the Whole30 to the letter, and break some of my eating habits like eating a small breakfast and eating a post-dinner snack.  The meal template suggests 1-2 servings of protein, a lot of veggies, a serving of "fat", and occasional fruit for each meal.  It also suggests pre-workout and post-WO mini meals in addition to 3 main meals.  I tried this over the weekend but feel like it's a lot more than I usually eat (which is usually mostly protein, veggies, and fruit anyway).  And I'm feeling a little over-full after some meals, especially with all the extra fat (half an avocado, or small handful of nuts each meal, in addition to cooking with oil.)
For example, last night I cooked a bag of frozen stir fry veggies in coconut oil, with a few sesame seeds thrown in.  It would've been great, except I think I used too much oil (~2 little scoops for 4-5 servings of veggies).  This was the result.  Looks good, but they tasted way too greasy/oily for my tastes.
To make matters worse, I roasted chicken drumsticks in the oven with mustard, fresh tangerine juice, and spices.  Delicious.  But I'm used to eating lean meats and chicken breasts, so these seemed extra greasy too.

Dinner on the plate (also had roasted parsnip) -
To make matters worse, I had leftovers for lunch today.  Between the greasy drumstick and the extra oily veggies, my stomach was not happy.  I wasn't hungry for dinner, but ended up eating some leftover chicken/veggie crockpot around 9pm after climbing, since I couldn't go to bed without eating another small meal.  However, now I'm even fuller, and feel kinda gross.

When I started Whole30 a few days ago, I was afraid I might not eat enough, especially fats.  Forums posts talk about people who do the program and lack energy likely b/c they're not eating enough and getting enough nutrients.  Fearful of low energy on the diet, I've been eating bigger breakfasts, more fats and starchy carbs, and larger protein portions... but not really cutting out much other than a slice of bread, cereal, or a  half cup of rice here and there.  Now I think I'm overdoing it and need to just adjust my portions (keeping the protein/veggies/fat/fruit/carby veggies ratios the same).  And of course shifting some of my daily food intake to breakfast/earlier in the day, rather than eating as much at night.

So we'll see how this works.  I'm not looking to lose any weight, but I don't want to be the only person in history to GAIN fat while on Whole30.  Time will tell!

Note: In terms of energy, I don't feel any more or less tired than normal for a Monday.  Tough to get up at 8am after weekend of sleeping in, slightly tired after work but still enough energy to make it to the rock gym.  And now definitely time for bed.  Pretty much the norm for Monday.  Hopefully tomorrow I'm more into the swing of the week and won't feel like a grease bomb lives in my stomach.

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