Second day on travel and meals were much better. Yay awesome salad bars! Caf at work has a great salad bar, so lunch was greens, lots of fresh veggies, deli turkey, a few bites if fruit, balsam vinegar and some almonds (brought from home.). Also munched on an apple around 5pm since it was all I had and I needed something.

A friendly man in the caf also tipped me off to Giant's salad bar down the road. Great find! I was able to get another load of fresh veggies and bit of fruit, and combine it with my can of tuna and butternut squash. Oh and avocado. Now I'm feeling really full again - need to work on the portions thing. I'm following the meal template but think I may have overdid it on this one!

I tried to eat dinner earlier too to leave more time before bed, but didn't get back to the hotel from work til 7pm so I didn't end up finishing eating til bout 8:30. Which normally would be ok but I'm pooped from getting up at 6:30am and prob going to crash soon (10pm). I'm trying to eat dinner earlier but it's hard! Especially when I don't get home from work til 7. And if I leave work at 6, go to the gym, then drive home, it's after 8 by the time I even walk in the door. Makes cooking and eating happen late :(.

Otherwise feel fine (just tired, long day) and trying to not eat so much at night before bed.

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