I've come down with a cold.  Not related to Whole30 since I felt it coming on before Day 1, but it certainly doesn't help my energy levels.  It's not so bad - bit of a sore throat, stuffy nose, general lack of energy.  But tough to motivate to work out when my face feels like the man in the Nyquil commercial and I don't feel like doing much other than sitting on the couch.

Friday I managed to do a 45 min tabata type workout via youtube, but I was drained by the end.  Saturday I had intentions to work out and maybe even go to the climbing gym or find a pilates class before the tailgate.  No such luck - I slept 12 whole hours and didn't get up until noon!  I jumped up and down a LOT at the tailgate to avoid freezing though, so hopefully that counts for something.

Today I woke up again at noon after sleeping another 12 hours!!!  I still felt pretty stuffy and drained, but needed to get out the apt. and do something.  Dragging myself to the climbing gym was well worth it.  Wasn't great after not climbing for 2+ weeks, but I did a couple V4's and all the moves on a V4/5.  So glad I went - it felt great climbing again after several weeks.  And I didn't tire out too quickly... climbing a solid 2 hours before getting tired.

Moral of the story - even if you feel draggy and slightly wiped out, dragging yourself to the gym is usually a good idea.  Getting started is the hardest part of course.  But I know I'll get into it once I'm there, and feel much better afterwards.  I'm hoping Whole30 helps eventually with my energy levels, and maybe even helps my climbing and workouts.  I'm expected a rough first week or two since everyone says to expect that, but hoping by the end of the month I'll feel more alert throughout day, not want to nap at 5pm all the time, and maybe even feel stronger and climb better.  We'll see!

Food today:
2 eggs, sauted rappe (looks like broccoli rabe?), tangerine
Chicken and veggie soup, persimmon
mini handful cashews
Roasted drumsticks, stir fry veggies, roasted parsnip

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