So why am I committing to this Whole30 thing?  And why am I writing a blog about it (that few will read, and even less will care about).

Why Whole30?

I had heard about the Whole30 program a few months ago from a few friends who tried it (mainly one friend from work).  Being interested in nutrition, healthy living, fitness, and constantly amused by the latest fad diet crazes, I read up on it.  The program sounded like a good one, and had rave reviews (from my friend included), but I wasn't ready at the time to give up grains, alcohol and artificial sweeteners.  So I took note and started to pay more attention to ingredients in foods, but didn't take any action.  I eat pretty healthy anyway, and don't need to lose weight, so my initial reaction after hearing about Whole30 was, "interesting, but not for me, at least not right now".  But the seed had been planted...

Fast forward to Dec. 30th.  After feeling a little extra squishy from 2+ weeks of acting like a fat kid (christmas cookies, beers every other day, general holiday indulgence)... I decided something should be done.  Originally a "modified" Whole30 approach came to mind - keep eating cereal in the mornings, a few drinks every now and then.  But what's the point of that?  I'm sure the Whole30 creators and enthusiasts would have reems on the subject, but in addition to that, it seems like running a marathon but using a bicycle for a few miles and stopping 2km short of the finish line.  In short, most of the work, none of the glory.

So whole-hearted Whole30 time!  I'm joining the army of people just like me starting in the beginning of January to kick off the new year.  Seems like perfect timing too since no one throws parties on Jan. 3.   What do I hope to get out of it?

  • Feel less squishy (see above)
  • More energy, especially during the day and late afternoon (no more hibernating bear syndrome every Friday afternoon)
  • Less bloated - I don't need to lose weight or fat per se, but I'd enjoy not feeling like my mid-section has expanded 3 sizes after consuming 'bloaty' foods and alcohol
  • Reduce dependence on artificial sweeteners.  Confession: I consume A LOT.  And all of them.  Equal and Sweet N Low in my coffee, Stevia on fiber cereal, Splenda in yogurt.  Plus artificially sweetened syrup, diet soda, vitamin drinks, you name it.  If it has fake sugar, I'm probably addicted to it.
  • Improved sports/fitness performance?  If the claims and hearsay are true about the program, I'd love to improve my rock climbing and gym workouts, even if I just 'feel' stronger and have more energy.
  • Finally, I love veggies, fresh meats, fruit, healthy eating, and cooking nutritious meals already.  This is just another reason to eat even better!  And eat more of the healthy foods that I often leave out: avocados, starchy veggies, cashews, olive oil.

And if there are any other beneficial side effects - bring 'em on!  Waking up earlier, feeling chipper in the morning, less annoying back pain, new-found hobbies and friends from NOT sleeping til noon on weekends, boyfriend loses some "squish" as a byproduct... all good in my book.

Why blog?

So I've explained why I'm doing Whole30, but why add to the countless blogs about it?
  Especially if I don't care if anyone besides me actually reads it?

  • More accountability and feels more "real" this way
  • Provides a log for me to look back on how I felt and what I ate each day (without keeping a food log)
  • To avoid becoming a boor to my boyfriend and friends who probably don't want to hear me drone on endlessly about what I ate every day and how much (anticipated) energy I have
  • Seems fun!  (As if I need more activities between climbing, snowboarding, planning a wedding, glassblowing classes...)

    So that's it.  I'm one meal into it, but so far so good.

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