Traveling for work this week, so first Whole30 meals away from home. So far not so bad, but takes more prep and my meals so far aren't quite as good as when I'm home.

To prepare I made an egg casserole for bfasts, extra chicken veggie crockpot, microwaved a butternut squash, and packed a lot of dry/canned foods, fruits, cabbage, and turkey slices.

Cooler with about only half the food I brought:

Way more than I need for 3 days but better over prepared than under!

Lunch today was pretty standard packed lunch for work - chicken, veggies and spinach, a tangerine, and tiny handful of cashews. No problem. PreWO snack: turkey slices and a few almonds. Also good.

Dinner however was a little less than ideal taste-wise :). I had a can of tuna (yes straight out of the can), the previously nuked squash (good last night, not as good at room temp out of Tupperware), and the icing on the sad dinner cake... canned asparagus. Only asparagus, water and salt... How bad could it be? Bleck. Mushy, way too salty. But at least it's a veggie and now I know. Oh and a few cashews.

So my dinner was compliant and not terrible, but def not a fantastic meal. Live and learn.

Good news - caf at work down here has a great salad bar that will totally work for lunch tom! So I can save the second chicken veggie spinach meal for dinner tom. And get some fresh raw veggies vs all these cooked/canned ones.

Feeling slightly full from dinner but good for the day. Feel pretty "normal" still, and I'm realizing that whole30 is very similar to how I normally eat, so i probably won't see or feel any drastic physical changes (other than "tuning up" and reducing bloat). But we'll see. And I'm still looking to change some habits through this including less artificial sweeteners, better timing throughout the day of what I eat, and overall looking at meals (and especially fats) more as fuel and nutrients. Psychologically, Whole30 makes meals and eating really simple, so it's almost liberating not to worry about things like... Are these beers going to make me bloated? Should I eat this bowl of cereal just bc I want it? I'm hungry but it's bedtime.. Snack or sleep? And while prepping and cooking is a lot of work, once it's done there's no more having to stop for food after work, stop at wawa for coffee, wonder where I can eat dinner that's healthy and tasty.

Soooo... Long story short , hoping more to change small psychological habits and take a month to eat really really well, than to make any drastic diet changes or change much physically. And I feel better knowing that I've made the commitment for the month and any holiday "squishiness" will be long gone by the end!

(Phew this is a long iPhone post. Enough!)

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