So apparently you're not supposed to just go hog wild on Day 31 and eat all the gluten, sugary snacks, and unrecognizable ingredients that you can shove in your pie hole.  There is a method to reintroducing the foods from which you've abstained your diet (aka the healthier ones like grains, dairy, and legumes).  So I have a plan - Day 31 my reintro food is alcohol.  Yep, totally not recommended but totally necessary since it's the only thing I've been craving and it's the Superbowl!  Then I will go back to Whole30 for 2 days.  Then I'll try non-gluten grains, gluten grains, and dairy.  I don't expect much negative reaction but we'll see.  Hopefully these things don't make me feel like crap.

Cornish hen I cooked the other night - it was delicious!  Greasy though.
Dinner tonight:

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