Yesterday as I left for work, I felt extra tired and grumpy.  I thought it was just the Monday blahs, but then it dawned on me - I had eaten next to zero carbs the day before.  Other than a few bites of sweet potato at lunch, my only fruit consisted lemon slices and there were no other starchy veggies to be had on Sunday.  So on my commute I ate a banana and holy moley... I felt way better!  More energy, not cranky, and not hungry.  They say not to eat fruit in the morning and beware the sugar rush/crash, but that banana did wonders.  I felt good the rest of the day at work and stayed satisfied until lunchtime.

A similar thing happened on Thursday night.  I was acting super irritated and angry for no reason, had no energy at the rock gym earlier, but didn't feel particularly hungry.  It was bedtime and I started to beat myself up for eating right before bedtime, but figured I could use some carbs (baked sweet potato and butternut squash).  Again, total transformation.  Felt way better, happier, etc. and felt energetic enough the next day for a good gym session.

I've learned my lesson (hopefully).  Do not go too low-carb.  Do not neglect sweet potatoes, squash, parsnips, and fruits.  Do not hit things with fists and yell at boyfriend when cranky; try eating a banana.  No washboard stomach is worth feeling like a sugar-starved demon.

Yesterday in addition to the banana, I had squash with lunch, and sweet potato with dinner.  Much improved.  Today, there was honeydew with lunch and there will be sweet potato with dinner.  (At least half of one, since there's only 1 left in the cabinet, and the bf might claim the other half :)).
Springtime colors for lunch

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