They weren't kidding when they said you spend a lot of time in the kitchen!  This is nothing new to me, since I grocery shop and cook a lot anyway, but it takes it to another level when you try to shop for and prepare 3 homemade meals a day.  9 hour workdays, 1-2 hour workouts/climbing sessions, and a 45 min commute don't leave a lot of extra time in the day to prep meals AND relax.

My fridge was completely depleted this morning, but now is restocked thanks to Trader Joe's.  Whoa produce!
Counter top overflowing with fruits and veggies.  Let the ripening begin.
Now that I've gone food shopping, put everything away, cooked up beef stir fry and egg casserole, and ate dinner, it's past time for bed.  And I still have to make lunch in the morning!  I gotta say, waking up early all bright and bushy tailed hasn't happened for me yet on Whole30.  Others talk about needing to sleep less and getting up with the sun, but I'd still love to sleep in until noon.  Getting out of bed at 8am today was a real chore.

The time I save by not drinking and sleeping extra/lounging around hungover, is now taken up by extra meal prep.  I enjoy both activities, but seems there should be a happy medium between the two.

Side note: parsnips can and should be eaten raw when in need of a quick fix of starchy veggies.  I've taken to eating one straight out of the bag - that's right folks, no peeling, no cooking, just munching away.  Sort of like Bugs Bunny's eccentric weirdo cousin.

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